Malta is increasingly becoming popular as a centre for the estate planning needs of individuals as well as for corporate restructuring processes. Due to a robust legal regime, enriched with the presence of highly varied legal vehicles, including trusts and foundations, Malta offers a plethora of possibilities to organise  planning opportunities for individuals and corporate entities alike. Maltese trusts offer tax planning opportunities to non-residents as well as the protection, security and estate planning benefits. In effect, settlement of foreign assets into a trust by a non-resident settlor for the benefit of a non resident beneficiary would not normally trigger Maltese tax implications.

The attractiveness of considering Malta as a jurisidiction for the set up of trusts and estate planning include the following:

  • A robust legislation based on best practices that have been established in different jurisdictions
  • Numerous service-providers and professional advisors providing services at competitive rates
  • One of the few civil law countries that has adopted a domestic trust legislation withou shedding its nature
  • Recognition of trusts set up in foreign jurisdictions
  • High professional standards with many accountants, bankers, legal professionals and investment advisors having experience and qualifications in the field.
  • Fast track authorisation for trustees licensed in other approved juridictions by the Maltese regulator of financial services
  • The provision of all the required services in order to organise the estate of high net worth individuals including the availability of fiscal schemes that render this option attractive
  • The availability of tools to ensure family business continuity via the set up of family office services with the provision of adequate professional services required
  • The possibility of streamlining one’s worldwide estate via the set up of a Maltese trust that offers a flexible estate planning tool with possibility of interposing succession planning for future generations